Tag: Electronics

  • Daniel Soltis

    Daniel Soltis

    Advent Calendar

  • Sonia Cillari

    Sonia Cillari talks about Sensitive to Pleasure, a performative electric-field sensing and sound environment that emphasizes the controversial relationship with her own work in front of the public over time. Sonia is an italian media artist and architect, living and working in Amsterdam. Her work involves the creation of sensorial and perceptual mechanisms in immersive…

  • Elmo Diederiks

    Elmo Diederiks

    Elmo Diederiks will talk about the Ambilight feature in Philips flat panel televisions. In 2002 Elmo worked as designer and researcher at Philips Research and lead the research on how dynamic lighting in the background of the TV image enhances the viewing experience. The research resulted directly in the most differentiating feature of Philips’ flat panel televisions…

  • Massimo Banzi, Tinker.it

    Massimo Banzi, Tinker.it

    Arduino family