Author: Utrecht
Yvonne Dröge Wendel
Yvonne Dröge Wendel talks about De Coupé an installation done in collaboration with Lino Hellings for the nursing home De Bieslandhof in Delft. In six comfortable seats arranged as though in a train, the (psychogeriatric) residents can experience a ‘ pleasurable form of doing nothing’ by traveling along the Dutch polder landscape. The entire process…
Jan Willem Huisman and Hayo Wagenaar
As one of the first serious games created in the Netherlands, Meesters van de Macht (“Masters of Power”) put IJsfontein on the map. Winning a Bafta and a La Fletche d’Or award back in 1998/1999 helped cement their position as leaders in the field of serious gaming. In the game children have to learn about…
Lilian Henze
Lilian Henze will give a talk entitled Facilitating DIY, about the home installation of Internet and VOIP by KPN. With home observations on the problems during installation, they generated insights that helped redesigning of the packaging by Flex/the INNOVATIONLAB. With the final design KPN was able to dramatically decrease the cost of support by helpdesk…
Kars Alfrink
The Ripple Effect
Announcing This happened – Utrecht #20
The next This happened – Utrecht event is a special one: it is our 20th event! It will be held on monday evening at the HKU Akademietheater. We have three awesome speakers and will announce a fourth shortly. Kars Alfrink the founder of This Happened – Utrecht returns to the stage to talk about Ripple…
Utrecht #20
To celebrate 5 years of This happened – Utrecht, we will return to the classics of interaction design for the 20th edition on June 23rd in Utrecht. Classic designers, classic projects, classic approaches. Venue: HKU Akademietheater Janskerkhof 17, Utrecht The Netherlands Powered by HKU and SETUP.
Marjolein Ruyg & Rob van der Haar
DDS 3.0
Announcing This happened – Utrecht #19
This happened – Utrecht is back! Our 19th edition will be held on monday evening, April 7, 2014 during and in collaboration with the adventurous festival of Tweetakt-Kaap at the good old HKU Akademietheater. The speakers: Marjolijn Ruyg talks about DDS 3.0: the transition of the now 20 year old De Digitale Stad from a…
Thomas Clever
Thomas Clever (@thomasclever) of Clever Franke will talk about the work they did for Google on the Consumer Barometer. This tool gives companies insight into the online purchasing behaviour of consumers. For example, do people buy shoes online a lot in the Netherlands? The project seems well documented and the result of a thorough design…
Roderick Gadellaa
Roderick Gadellaa (@rgadellaa) of Stichting (@z25org)will talk about Oantinken (remembrance), an interactive installation at the Noorderzon festival. Visitors make pictures with an app and the Oantinken installations conserves these memories in a huge wall of bottles. The project is a collaboration with Tryater and based on concepts that were developed by HKU students.
Utrecht #19
During the adventurous art festival Tweetakt & Kaap, we are once again showing you the “making-of” of 4 great projects, and give you the opportunity to ask the creators your questions.
Niels ’t Hooft
De Verdwijners
Pien Oijevaar and Norah Gauw
Nott won’t sleep
Home Adventure System
Gijs Goossen
Parametric Climbing Walls
Announcing This happened – Utrecht #18
Contrary to what you may have written on your calendars, the next Utrecht edition of This Happened will be on November 25. During this event, you can enjoy four talks about interaction design projects. The speakers are: Niels ‘t Hooft about De Verdwijners, who has decided to approach the writing of this book as a…
Utrecht #18
November 25, 2013
Rick Companje
Doodle 3D
Mieke Meijer
Manuel Kerssemakers
Marrije Schaake
Onze Lootjes
Announcing This Happened Utrecht #17
Won’t you join us on the 8th of september! The This Happened – Utrecht team is proud to bring you four awesome speakers who will show you the making of of their wicked projects. The Speakers Marrije Schaake is a well known spider in Utrecht’s digital web. She will talk about a project that once…
Utrecht #17
September 9th, 2013
This Happened IN SPACE
July 20, 2013
This Happened IN SPACE
Did you miss this event? Check reviews and footage here: Tjeerd’s edit of a succesfull launch Tijmen’s blogpost on Pictures by Adriaan Wormgoor Write-up by Suzanne on Waag website Pictures by Ianus Keller This Happened ABOVE space video van Aldo Hoeben Space is the Place video van Pieter Diepenmaat ——— Special Edition On the…
Jennemie Stoelhorst
Slag om Dondervoort
Anna Witteman
Lukas van Driel
Lukas van Driel is a software engineer at Q42, the nerdiest internet agency out here in the Netherlands. Philips hue is a personal wireless lighting system that allows you to control the color and brightness of your bulbs from a smartphone, tablet or through online services such as IFTT. Q42 developed the website and mobile…
Announcing Utrecht #16
Another titillating event is coming your way on the 24th of June! The This Happened – Utrecht team is proud to bring you four awesome speakers who will show you the making of of their wicked projects. Lukas van Driel of Q42 will tell us about hue, an internet-connected personal lighting system they developed together…
Heinze Havinga
Georgina Verbaan laten twitteren over algoritmes: Heinze Havinga kreeg het voor elkaar. Bij SETUP initieerde hij de wedstrijd “elegante algoritmes“, waarin programmeurs de Victory Boogie Woogie van Mondriaan probeerden na te maken.
Utrecht #16
June 24, 2013
Announcing Utrecht #15
For the next This Happened in Utrecht We will be given a look behind the scenes of 4 awesome projects, namely: – Leonard Verhoef (@leonardverhoef) talks about the Dutch Railways ticket vending machine (aka NS Kaartautomaat). – Onno Faber (@ogtfaber) talks about the Ding Dong App, which is getting very popular. – Joris van Tubergen…
Onno Faber
Onno Faber (@ogtfaber) talks about the Ding Dong App. Onno is an architect, designer and internet entrepreneur. Ding Dong (@usedingdong) is a low threshold, instant way to temporary share location with someone or something else: …like a GPS Doorbell…
Joris van Tubergen
Joris van Tubergen talks about the Kamermaker. Joris is the creative director of the Protospace FabLab in Utrecht and is a pioneer in open source digital fabrication. Kamermaker is the world’s first movable pavilion that can 3D print entire rooms of plastics made on initiative by DUS architects in collaboration with Ultimaker Ltd, Protospace, Open…
Lilian Bosch & Hanne Marckmann
Cheap fashion pollutes our planet. The textile industry points to the consumers to start a change. But the consumers point to the industry, if they think about it at all…AARGH! UNI2 changes all this. Similar to local energy communities -popular in for instance Germany- UNI2 creates a local cradle to cradle textile community that is…
Leonard Verhoef
Leonard Verhoef (@leonardverhoef) talks about the Dutch Railways ticket vending machine (aka NS Kaartautomaat). Leonard has been involved with the ticket vending machines since 1985, when the 80 destiny button machine didn’t take the psychology of the user in account. His first psychological sketch for the current touch screen version dates from 1999 and hasn’t…
Utrecht #15
Powered by HKU and SETUP Venue: HKU Akademietheater Janskerkhof 17 3512 BM Utrecht The Netherlands
Utrecht goes to Hamburg
With a new team we just finished the 14th edition of This happened – Utrecht with a very good vibe. You’ve got to change to stay the same! The speakers were great and varied, the audience was lovely and inquisitive and the nice weather provided for drinks on the terrace until midnight. This happened –…
Announcing Utrecht #14
Great succes! We’ve just finalised the speakers for the 14th This Happened in Utrecht, and we’re super excited. On the 10th of september you can learn more about the ‘making of’ of these fantastic projects: It was all over the news: Bart Jansen turned his cat, Orville, into a quadcopter. He’ll explain the process behind…
Bart Jansen
Bart Jansen talks about the Orvillecopter: half cat, half machine. Named after the famous aviator Orville Wright. He was killed by a car. After a period of mourning he received his propellers posthumously.
Diana Wildschut
Diana Wildschut co-created the Knopjesmuseum (the Tweak Show): a museum filled with old machines that are being re-used as tools to unravel the laws of nature.
Philip Ross
Philip Ross talks about Fonckel One: a design LED lamp that you can touch and control through gestures.
Marina Toeters
Marina Toeters talks about Moon Life. A collection of fashion developed in collaboration with the European Space Agency that anticipates on the notion of bigger groups living on the moon.
Utrecht #14
Powered by HKU and SETUP Venue: HKU Akademietheater Janskerkhof 17 3512 BM Utrecht The Netherlands
Utrecht #13 lineup complete
We’ve just added the final speakers to our lineup for Utrecht #13. Carolien Teunisse and Bram Snijders will talk about RE:, a fascinating projection mapping project. The other speakers are Bob Gussenhoven on Arcrane & Sloopvogels, Christian Boer on Typeface Dyslexie and Adriaan de Jongh on Fingle. We’re fully booked but you could still try…
Carolien Teunisse & Bram Snijders
Carolien Teunisse and Bram Snijders talk about RE:, an ultraminimal installation that takes full advantage of the characteristics of projection mapping. Images beamed from a projector fixed in midair are reflected off three mirrors and projected back onto their source, as a result which the surface of the projector appears to liquefy, undulate, and whirl.
Bob Gussenhoven
Bob Gussenhoven talks about Arcrane and Sloopvogels, a couple of absurdist game installations designed specifically for festivals. These were commissioned by FourceLabs and developed by Bob and a number of fellow students collectively known as Team Dynamo, as part of the Utrecht School of the Arts‘ game design & development bachelor program.
Christian Boer
Christian Boer (StudioStudio) talks about Typeface Dyslexie, a font specifically designed for people with dyslexia that reduces the number of reading errors as well as the effort it takes to read a text.
Announcing the 13th and final Utrecht edition
Right on the heels of a wonderful first Amsterdam edition, we’re pleased to announce the next This happened – Utrecht. Our thirteenth edition takes place on Friday, March 30. This is a special edition for us for several reasons: One is that we are kindly hosted by Tweetakt Festival, for whom Kars has curated a…
Adriaan de Jongh
Adriaan de Jongh (Game Oven) talks about Fingle, a two-player iPad game about awkwardness and intimacy that can be best described as “Twister for your hands”.
Utrecht #13
Kindly hosted by Tweetakt Festival. Venue: Theater Kikker Ganzenmarkt 14 Utrecht The Netherlands
Videos for Utrecht #10 up
We’re slowly but surely working to get our backlog of talk videos online. Number ten was kind of special for us, not only because it was, you know, our tenth edition, but also because we were lucky enough to have This happened founder Chris O’Shea over to present Hand From Above. The other talks were…
Hanging out with Bernie DeKoven
In preparation for This happened – Utrecht #12 at the Playgrounds Festival in Tilburg we had a very nice serendipitous encounter with fun theorist and author Bernie DeKoven on Google+ hangout. I asked him if he was willing to say something to our audience (keeping up our tradition of guest appearances) and he more than…
Getting ready for Utrecht #12
Sonia Collari completes #12 lineup We are busy with the final preparations for Friday and can announce that the lineup for the upcoming edition at Playgrounds Festival is complete. Our fourth speaker Sonia Cillari talks about Sensitive to Pleasure, a performative electric-field sensing and sound environment. Get a spot on our guest list The event…
Sonia Cillari
Sonia Cillari talks about Sensitive to Pleasure, a performative electric-field sensing and sound environment that emphasizes the controversial relationship with her own work in front of the public over time. Sonia is an italian media artist and architect, living and working in Amsterdam. Her work involves the creation of sensorial and perceptual mechanisms in immersive…
Videos for Utrecht #9 are online
So earlier this week we published the videos of This happened – Utrecht #9. Roel Wouters, Vlambeer, DUS Architects and John’s Phone… This was back in February but boy were they great. Numbers 10 and 11 will follow shortly!
Announcing Utrecht #12
We’ve put up details for our next Utrecht event. We’re taking This happened on the road with this one, all the way to Tilburg for the excellent Playgrounds Festival. We’re still putting the finishing touches on the line-up but have three great speakers confirmed so far. Have a look.
Silje Dehli & Maarten Mulder
Silje Dehli (N) is a product designer who teaches at the TU Delft, facilitates and designs medical products. Maarten Mulder (NL) is a business consultant. Together with Sara Andersson (S) and Kevin Geers (B), a multinational team of designers, they developed Slaapaap, a pillow-for-two that helps people come closer to their loved ones. To bring…
Tak Fung (Supermono) talks about Forever Drive, an arcade-style futuristic racer for iOS. Players race their cars through the crowd-sourced streets of a massive city. Drive Forever allows players to design new tracks and submit them to the world. Supermono themselves say the game is “sort of like Outrun-meets-SimCity, in the future, online.” This is…
Rob Hebing
Rob Hebing talks about Bench, an interactive piece of furniture. Bench responds to those seated on it by taking on a variety of shapes. Its behavior ranges from accommodating to comforting and from challenging to threatening. As such it highlights the active nature of sitting, and it demonstrates that interaction design can contribute to even…
Utrecht #12
Kindly hosted by Playgrounds Festival. Venue: 013 Veemarktstraat 44 5038 CV Tilburg The Netherlands Note: a Playgrounds Friday Single Day Ticket is required for admittance.
Elger Blitz
Elger Blitz is head of design at Carve, a studio specialized in public play spaces such as skate parks and playgrounds. He talks about Melis Stokepark, a playground in The Hague designed for children with disabilities, but challenging for all children. The outside of the object is a wooden climbing wall with hundreds of climbing…
Mattijs Kneppers
Mattijs Kneppers talks about the technology behind Eboman. Eboman is a performance artist with a long history in audiovisual art who works with a sensor suit and the real time video sampling software SenS IV. Mattijs supervised the technical realization of SenS IV with Max/MSP/Jitter and the development of the sensor interface. They won a…
Roy Gilsing
Roy Gilsing talks about Grabbit for iPad: a rotatable hardshell handle case for iPad. With a leather strap this Grabbit allows you to hold the iPad with great security, comfort and ease of use. As an industrial design veteran, Roy Gilsing works with his own design firm for a variety of clients. De grabbit was…
Adam Fletcher
Adam Fletcher lives in Berlin and is the founder of the innovative mystery product service The Hipstery, which works tirelessly to liberate its customers from “the burden of choice”. Disillusioned by the ever increasing number of options and decisions consumers are asked to make about unimportant things, the Hipstery team just asks its customers to…
Utrecht #11
Utrecht #10
Utrecht #9
Utrecht #8
Utrecht #7
Matthias Oostrik
Matthias Oostrik talks about U-Turm Project, an interactive urban projection made for the Dortmund E-Culture Fair in collaboration with MediaLAB Amsterdam. People on the U-Turm square dance to the music played by a DJ and are projected in real-time on the building’s windows. Dancers can control their position on the building using body movements. Meetings…
Monobanda talks about Bandjesland, a PLAY Pilots live game produced for the Le Guess Who? music festival in collaboration with Arne Boon. Players of Bandjesland use old-fashioned cassette tapes fitted with newfangled RFIDs to collaboratively produce music. A recording station enables players to record their own samples and save them to a cassette tape. The…
Yuri Suzuki
Yuri Suzuki talks about Breakfast Machine, a Rube Goldberg contraption that was built in collaboration with visitors of an exhibition at Platform21. At the end of a week of participatory creation the machine served breakfast – consisting of coffee, omelet and toast with jam – to the public.
Chris O’Shea
Chris O’Shea talks about Hand From Above, a playful installation made for the BBC Big Screens division. A large screen placed in a city square shows a live video feed of the square and its pedestrians. Suddenly, a giant hand appears and starts to tickle, grab, squash and play in various ways with the people…
Vlambeer talks about Super Crate Box, an intensely difficult indie game bringing back the glory days of the golden arcade age. Vlambeer is a game studio started as a graduation project for the Utrecht School of the Arts by Jan Willem Nijman and Rami Ismail. The collaboration started when Rami witnessed Jan Willem prototyping a game…
Roel Wouters
Roel Wouters talks about One Frame of Fame, a website – produced in collaboration with Jonathan Puckey – where anyone can contribute to the videoclip for the song More is Less by C-Mon & Kypski. You’re shown a frame from the video and are asked to copy the pose using your webcam. The image is…
DUS Architects
Hedwig Heinsman talks about WORLDMOON, a design by DUS Architects for a global cemetary (necropolis) on the moon. Human ashes will gradually fertilize the moon’s surface. The project evolved from the observation that despite globalization, we still have no worldwide, universal way of mourning. The moon is visible to all human beings on earth, so with WORLDMOON…
Diederiekje Bok & Hein Mevissen
Diederiekje Bok and Hein Mevissen are the founders of full-service advertising John Doe Amsterdam known for their prize winning international MTV work and other international campaigns. Besides being busy for brands and clients at John Doe, Bok and Mevissen started in 2006 developing, creating and designing the world’s simplest phone called John’s Phone. The important…
Helma van Rijn
Helma van Rijn is an Industrial Design Engineering PhD candidate at the TU Delft ID-StudioLab, specialized in ‘difficult to reach’ user groups. De Klessebessers is an activity for people with dementia to actively recall memories together. The design won the first prize in design competition Vergeethenniet and was on show during the Dutch Design Week 2007. De Klessebessers is currently…
Rainer Kohlberger
Rainer Kohlberger is an independent visual artist based in Berlin. The concept and installation design for theTHESEUS Innovation Center Internet of Things was done in collaboration with Thomas Schrott and is the basis for the visual identity of the technology platform. The installation connects and visually creates hierarchy between knowledge, products and services with a combination…
Lotte Meijer
Lotte Meijer talks about Smarthistory, an online art history resource. It aims to be an addition to, or even replacement of, traditional text books through the use of different media to discuss hundreds of Western art pieces from antiquity to the current day. Different browsing styles are supported by a number of navigation systems. Art works…
FourceLabs talk about Wip ‘n’ Kip, a playful installation for Stekker Fest, an annual electronic music festival based in Utrecht. Players of Wip ‘n’ Kip use adult-sized spring riders to control a chicken on a large screen. They race each other to the finish while at the same time trying to stay ahead of a horde of pursuing…
Anne Nigten
Anne Nigten is director of The Patchingzone, a transdisciplinary laboratory for innovation where Master, doctor, post-doc students and professionals from different backgrounds create meaningful content. Earlier, Anne Nigten was manager of V2_lab and completed a PhD on a method for creative research and development. Go-for-IT!is a city game created together with citizens of South Rotterdam and launched in…
Ronald Rietveld
Landscape architect Ronald Rietveld talks about Vacant NL. The installation challenges the Dutch government to use the enormous potential of inspiring, unused buildings from the 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th and 21st century for creative entrepreneurship and innovation. The Dutch government wants to be in the top 5 of world knowledge economies by the end of 2020.…
Edwin van der Heide
Edwin van der Heide studied sonology at the Royal Conservatory in The Hague. He now works as an artist in the field of sound, space and interaction. Radioscape transforms urban space into an acoustic labyrinth. Based on the fundamental principles of radio each participant is equipped with a receiver, headphones and an antenna. Fifteen transmitters each…
Richard Boeser
Richard Boeser is an independent designer based in Rotterdam. His studio Sparpweed is currently working on the game Ibb and Obb, scheduled to launch for Playstation Network and PC in August 2011. Ibb and Obb is a cooperative game for two players who together must find a way through a world where gravity is flipped across the…
Matt Cottam is the founder of Tellart. Wooden Logic represents the first phase in a hands-on sketching process aimed at exploring how natural materials and craft traditions can be brought to the center of interactive digital design to give modern products greater longevity and meaning. It is only in the past decade or so that the community…
Mijn naam is Haas
Sanneke Prins and Berend Weij are co-founders of Mijn naam is Haas, a company that produces a range of educational products aimed at primary education. These products are all situated in the world of the main character Haas. The range consists of illustrated children’s books, CD-ROMs and an online learning environment, in which the vocabulary of…
Keez Duyves is one of the cofounders of PIPS:lab, based in Amsterdam, NL. Archie and the Bees, their newest theatrical concept, links the primary colors red, green and blue to the primary elements of rhythm: kick, snare and hi-hat. In this hybrid of multimedia performance and installation, PIPS:lab demonstrate their revolutionary Radarfunk machine – allowing them to…
Utrecht #6
Stella Boess & Stefan Gross
Stella Boess is assistant professor at the TU Delft where she explores new methods for user research in and for design. Besides this, she pursues self-initiated and commissioned projects that investigate notions of product usage. One such project, a collaboration with Stefan Gross, is Love Hate Punch – a punching bag that lights up in the places…
Daan Roosegaarde
Daan Roosegaarde is an artist working in Rotterdam, NL. Roosegaarde’s work explores the dynamic relation between architecture, people and e-culture. In this interaction his sculptures create a situation of ‘tactile high-tech’ where visitor and (public) space become one. Liquid Space 6.0 is an interactive space which physically becomes larger or smaller and darker or lighter in…
Bas Teunisse & Lex van den Berg
Bas Teunisse and Lex van den Berg study Game Design & Development at the Utrecht School of the Arts and have cooperated with USC Interactive Media Division students for an exchange project. Paper Cakes is a “casual game” in which you guide a character named Doodle around a simple yet challenging maze on both the front and the…
Govert de Vries
Govert de Vries is one of the founders of Swinxs – a games console for children which can be used outdoors. It’s a console without a screen; players interact with the machine through special wristbands and cards, the console provides feedback with sounds and lights. Games can be played alone or in a group and new…
Utrecht #5
Emily Gobeille & Theo Watson
Emily Gobeille and Theo Watson will present the process behind Funky Forest, an interactive ecosystem where children create trees with their body and then divert the water flowing from the waterfall to the trees to keep them alive. The health of the trees contributes to the overall health of the forest and the types of creatures that…
Janneke Sluijs
Janneke Sluijs will talk about Noot, a small tool meant to support creative sessions. Noots can be physically attached to paper artefacts that stimulate the creative process. This way, audio fragments are tagged, making it possible to retrieve the original audio context at a later time, for recollection or inspiration. Her story will focus on the…
Elmo Diederiks
Elmo Diederiks will talk about the Ambilight feature in Philips flat panel televisions. In 2002 Elmo worked as designer and researcher at Philips Research and lead the research on how dynamic lighting in the background of the TV image enhances the viewing experience. The research resulted directly in the most differentiating feature of Philips’ flat panel televisions…
Sue Doeksen, Juul Spee and Eelke Feenstra, members of the new media art collective Zesbaans, will present De Metronoom. Six connected installations point six laser beams into the room. Visitors play the lasers like instruments and compose a soundtrack, arranging samples from classical instruments, street artists, beats and the machine room of a printing press. De Metronoom was present…
Utrecht #4
Lucy McRae
Independent designer Lucy McRae lives and works in Amsterdam, where she explores the overlapping areas of fashion, technology and the human body; the latter being an enduring fascination caused by her education as a classical ballerina. She works alone, and as part of the Lucy and Bart collective. Lucy will talk about her recent research into low-tech…
Aldo Hoeben
In his presentation, panorama photographer Aldo Hoeben will provide us with a look behind the scenes of his Trompe l’Oeil installation. This 180-degrees panoramic projection in the entrance of the Willibrord church, a block from Theater Kikker, is the first finished project in the Trajectum Lumen program, which in the coming six months will become a…
Anouk Randag
Anouk Randag, service designer at 31Volts, will talk about FluxFloor, with which she graduated from Delft University of Technology. This project was the basis for the energy-converting dance floor that can now be found in Club WATT in Rotterdam. FluxFloor transforms the kinetic energy of dancing people into electricity, and provides visual feedback of the amount of…
Blendid is an interaction design collective consisting of David Kousemaker and Tim Olden. They’ve focused their work on the design and making of experimental interfaces. David and Tim will talk about their latest project named Swarm, a six meters wide light sculpture consisting of almost 500 elements that change their color in reaction to the people…
Utrecht #3
Sanne Kistemaker
Sanne Kistemaker, user centered designer at Muzus, will present Piece of Family: a tool that enables elderly to communicate with their family without a computer, using regular pen and paper, a scanner and a weblog. The system was developed using generative tools and contextmapping as a means to involve the user in the design process (co-creation). The design won…
Irene van Peer
Irene van Peer, a seasoned and awarded product designer, traveled to the townships in South Africa to work with a group of colleagues on a sanitation project. Based on conversations with people she came upon a simple, yet ingenious soution to convert the cap of an empty bottle into a homemade tap for washing your…
Schiphorst & Vullings
Naomi Schiphorst and Mieke Vullings will talk about MIMOA (My Modern Architecture) – a free and open guide to modern architecture, which they started in 2006. MIMOA offers you all the information you need to find and visit buildings, parks, bridges, public interiors and art in public space. The founders’ vision was to not only cater…
Niels Keetels
Niels Keetels is a game design researcher at the Utrecht School of the Arts. He’ll talk about Softbody; an EMMA graduation project he worked on with four others. Softbody is a game that combines open-ended and goal-directed play in an elegant manner. The game’s mechanics were inspired by observations of children at play during field research at…
Utrecht #2
Philine van der Vegte
Philine van der Vegte, of Supernana and MacCover, will be presenting the development of the supernana felt holders for the Moo Minicards that most interaction designers have come to love.
Dirk van Oosterbosch
Dirk van Oosterbosch, an Amsterdam based interaction designer, presented Fritzing. Fritzing is an open source application currently being developed to assist designers and artists in taking the steps from physical prototype to an actual product. The aim is to create a software application in the spirit of Processing and Arduino, that allows artists and designers to…
Fabian Akker
Fabian Akker was part of a team of students who designed a game for the municipality of the city of Utrecht. The game, titled De Blob, allowed players to explore the city centre as it will be in the future after its current redevelopment has finished. The game’s concept was later acquired by THQ, and is…
Werner Jainek
Werner Jainek is designer and developer at Cultured Code. They are the makers of Things a task management application for Mac OS X and the iPhone. A large part of Things’ interaction design is a collaborative effort by the Cultured Code team. Werner will share details of this unique process and the role sketches and mock-ups play…
Utrecht #1